Hi all in the knowledge of this new black art.
Enclosed is rough drawing of a "pump" I would like making eventually.
It consists of a circular pump chamber with two outlets and the main intake which would be all "cast" in one piece for strength with a top able to screw onto the pump chamber to complete a watertight unit, through which a shaft would project linked to a Kortz nozzle propeller ( either 3 or 4 blade, which ever would be more efficient) passing though a watertight bearing.
This is the basic centrifugal pump used to propel the original steam hydraulic lifeboat Queen, Duke of Northumberland and James stevens.
I wish to make after the ferry a 1:12 scale model of the 55' Queen lifeboat which uses water jet drive and dates back to the 1890's
here is a drawing of the pump with it's two outlets for forward and reverse motion.
questions are:........
could it be made using a 3d printer so that it is hollow.
would it be strong enough to take the pressure that the motor would possibly spin it at, if the body was made to be 3mm thick.
If the pump chamber was made to take a propeller of say 60mm dia, would it pump enough water to propel the boat sufficiently at over scale speed.
would the outlet tubes leading from the pump chamber need to be venture action or same diameter throughout to get a good pressure.
thanks in anticipation.