The rowing boat was to be honest a challenge, something hard to find to test the brain cells when it comes to models.
Building at 1:12 scale was also a huge challenge as everything had to be so much smaller.. my recommendation would be to build at 1:6 to avoid issues!!!
Any questions just post them on my blog and i'll attempt to answer as many and as detailed as possible and if you need extra photos just ask!
Overall i'm happy with the boats outcome now, but i its a working test bed for a later model i'll build at 1:12 as a full replica rather then a model that works but isn't quite right. Again this is simply down to the scale being so small.
To many projects but i would like to make a future full mechanical (all motor and gears) version possibly a multi rower or maybe something more update and modern like a solar challenger, fortunately the multi rowers tend to have rudders which does make things a little easier in the steering department!
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Time will tell i usually get side tracked a lot by other projects that take my fancy.
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